7 Sources to Boost Your Creativity

  • Oct 8, 2024

Feeling stumped? Uninspired? Fresh out of ideas? Thanks to the wonderful gift that is the World Wide Web, creative inspiration is just a few clicks away. These are some of our favorite sources to get our creative juices flowing.

For your focus


For some people, the first step to thinking up their next grand idea is removing distractions and just focusing. Coffitivity is a website and app that simulates a coffeehouse ambiance to enhance your creativity. It is based on scientific research that claims that the perfect conditions for creative work are a combination of calm and commotion. When you click play, a busy mix of people chatting, glasses clinking and dishes being cleared transports you to an ambient cafe – even if you’re at home or in your office.

For your writing

750 Words

750 Words is a private outlet for you to improve your writing by writing 750 words every day. The idea is that if you can get in the habit of writing 750 words each day, it will help clear your mind and get the ideas flowing for the rest of the day. Unlike blogging or status updating, 750 Words is completely private; it’s between you and you. You will also learn about yourself and your writing habits in the process through the reports the site generates for you. For example, you’ll learn how fast you write and how often you get distracted, as well as the feelings, themes, and mindset of your words.

For your ideas

Portent's Content Idea Generator

Portent’s Content Idea Generator is exactly what it sounds like. Use it to come up with an array of titles for your next blog post or presentation. Simply type in the general topic you’d like to write about or present on, and you’ll be given ideas of attention-grabbing titles.

For your design


Designspiration is a clean, clutter-free web environment to discover and share great design. You can search Designspiration by color, popularity, keyword, or completely random.

For your information

Daily Infographic

Daily Infographic is a site that curates interesting infographics on the web to bring you facts and figures in the most easily consumed format. Infographics are a great way to quickly and easily consume knowledge and know-how on a plethora of subjects.

For your free time


Lifehack is a productivity and lifestyle blog for tips to help improve all aspects of your life. The site is dedicated to lifehacks, which is a phrase that describes any advice, resource, tip or trick that will help you get things done more efficiently and effectively. Just be careful because it’s easy to be drawn into this site for hours since Lifehack is frequently updated with new articles by a team of contributors.

Whether you want to improve your writing or take your designs to the next level, these websites are key resources to boosting your creativity. Explore these sites and come back with a fresh understanding of what you could be doing better.
